's Quote of the Day

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Comments on other student's blogs

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Week 11 Reading Notes & Muddiest Point

Web Search and OAI Patrol

This week’s readings were really interesting. I have to admit that I had no prior knowledge of the “Deep Web”. What I found interesting to learn was the difference in number of documents and sites on the Deep Web versus the WWW and that 95% are publicly accessible. In my LIS2000 class, we read much on the interconnected nature of information and people through networks. The dependency on linkages is fascinating. To think that some web pages will not experience hits due to their lack of links to other pages. This identifies the amount of control the conventional search engines have over the pages we visit, since they are handed to us in the form of a “one-click”. I wonder how much more we would find if we did not have that to rely on?

Week 6 Reading Notes & Muddiest Point

Computer Networks, Wireless Networks

I didn’t know there were so many types of networks which serve the different needs of users. We take for granted the networks in our homes and businesses like the simple network between one’s computer and printer. We just expect them to work for us.

I assume that Pitt operates on a Campus-Area Network, since this is most commonly used for educational institutions. I know our SIS building is one of the older campus buildings. Do any of the buildings have fiber runs? As we learned in our LIS 2000 class, networks, both physical and social, have been the bread and butter of many forms of communication. We read about the creation of the OED, where the proofers and the editor communicated via post in different countries. Invariably, humans find a way to get things accomplished together. Again, the Internet has provided the structure through which we can stay connected with one another, despite our physical locations.

Muddiest point:
What is the economic advantage to Google for providing free WAN to Mountain View and the proposal for San Francisco?

Week 5 Reading Notes & Muddiest Point

I would have thought that lossless compression systems would have more stages than lossy compression systems, due to the nature of preserving the data. However, I suppose converting the data in the act of compression would account for the additional steps. I understand the VOIP compression and the digital picture compression, but I don’t understand the advantages of computation compression, since it would seem that the receiver of the data would be interested in exact figures.

I enjoyed reading about Dasher and its capabilities for those with disabilities or needing alternative methods of typing code. The auto-select feature for anticipating the next letter is like the feature on most cell phones. Blackberrys have that “auto-fill” feature, like in one’s browser window. Personally, I don’t care for the feature, as often it auto-fills words I did not intend to type.

The blogger challenge of the Reuter’s photos was great. Without the web and digital access to the photos, it would have been harder to prove. The advent of blogs facilitated collaboration toward the goal of discrediting the photographer and his work. Additionally, Reuters’ would not have had the chance to address the problem if its employees did not have internet access. Photoshop and other programs allow many enhancements but they should not be used to falsify events. The article seemed to dislike the control one has over the content of one’s blog. I believe that if you have a blog, you can make it whatever you want and accept or decline certain comments from readers. Ranking of a blog plays a crucial role in its success. As the article pointed out, the links provided on Johnson’s blog in affect lead the way to the discovery of the falsification of the Reuters photos. I don’t have an issue with Johnson’s blog not providing an arena for debate and deliberation. But I agree with the limitations cast upon the openness of discussion and discourse; in a perfect world, everyone would have a voice and a turn in the spotlight.

Muddiest point:
In what instance would one choose to have data altered through lossy compression? Would one not need to have the exact computation or value?

Week 4 Reading Notes & Muddiest Point

Week 4 – Information Organization by Database, Metadata

This week’s readings were more geared toward libraries and archives. It was interesting to read the author’s point of view regarding libraries being at the forefront of metadata development. That’s a great position in which to be! The idea of museums utilizing the library systems like METS makes sense and opens opportunities to perfect and improve the existing systems. However, there is not a broad magic standard for all collections and materials. This is obvious, but important to note. Metadata applies to different records, collection methods, copyright or downgrade rights, etc. in different industries. The DCMES strives to identify a small group of elements which can be accessed and manipulated by any group to search many WWW information resources. One advantage is the interoperability of the system, but a drawback is that the records are limited in scope.

It was fun learning how to use Flickr and utilize the tag system for our photo collections. It is your own personal photo filing system. Zotero was very user-friendly and has many more capabilities that I would like to explore. I tried to choose tags that would be meaningful when I referred to my collection at a later date. I found that I needed to edit what I initially thought would work. I can see how user-generated metadata could dilute the interrelatedness of records. It was interesting to learn about the fluid nature of data versus metadata; that each can be one another’s data, depending upon the interdependency of systems and their information. The uses of metadata are thought-provoking; from the teacher wanting to “scaffold” student learning in order for them to build on prior knowledge to the digital information systems which provide global access to unique objects. I like the author’s correlation of metadata to the Rosetta Stone.

It was interesting to learn that the Dublin Core Data Model is based upon RDF and that it creates a universal system of properties and language for use in many resource definition groups. As one would surmise, its creation rose from a desire not to depend upon cultural understandings, which leads to confusion. Thus the schemas created were crucial to its success.

Muddiest Point:
How do you know when you need to use a more specific schema? Can it be customized for different audiences/readers?

Week 3 Reading Notes & Muddiest Point

Week 3 – Computer Software

Although I knew Linux existed, I knew nothing about it. How great is it that it can adapt to new and experienced users? Also, the fact the Linux is open source software allows for creativity and improvement. The customization capability is attractive to everyone which provides longevity of the product. It is amazing to me that such a product is available free to users, for the simple exchange of suggestions for improvement.

I was not aware of all the products on the market that run on Linux. The Empeg is really neat; my son would love it. The ProGear WebPad seems to be, in a way, a precursor to the Kindle. I enjoyed reading the article at and found other articles that were a good read and worth forwarding to colleagues.

MAC users are fiercely supportive of their systems. I know many MAC users who cringe at the idea of using a PC. The author’s site was very interesting. Some of the things he discussed were difficult to understand, but I got the gist of his rantings. It all comes down to preference and what people are used to. It’s like the kid that becomes a firefighter because his father or uncle or grandfather was one. Environment plays an active role as well. My elementary school had PC’s. My kids’ elementary school has PC’s. The school district where my mom taught in the 80’s bought MACs and they haven’t looked back since. No system is perfect; each has its advantages and drawbacks, so each will draw its own crowd of support. I know that many people do not like Vista and it has been wrought with my problems. When a user is accustomed to using a particular product, it’s difficult to be excited to switch it entirely. At least the launch of Vista includes encouragement for those of us still using XP.

Muddiest point:
I’m not certain I understand what *nix is?

Week 2 Reading Notes & Muddiest Point

Week 2 – Computer Hardware

I am happy to say that I knew the majority of the terms discussed in the Wikipedia Computer Hardware reading. My husband is in charge of storage at his job and uses tape drives for backup. He works for a very conservative company, but hopes one day soon it will take advantage of off-site storage. Recently, I read about a new product for storage at home. Unless one is reading about it constantly, it is easy to fall behind the new products available to the public.

I enjoyed the virtual tour of the Computer History Museum. It would be interesting to learn how many donations they receive per year and the quality of those items. The “Day in History” exhibit was a nice snapshot for those who may not be computer-savvy but are interested in the evolution of products and inventions.

I found it intriguing to read the description of Moore’s Law on Wikipedia and then watch the podcast about it. It is amazing that his predictions and formula for computer products that become obsolete still apply today. I can just imagine the time that it took him to develop the model and test it.

Muddiest point:
When Moore intended only to use his forecasting model for semiconductor circuits, why have others used it for other forms of technology? Have they used it with success or skewed results?