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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Week 5 Reading Notes & Muddiest Point

I would have thought that lossless compression systems would have more stages than lossy compression systems, due to the nature of preserving the data. However, I suppose converting the data in the act of compression would account for the additional steps. I understand the VOIP compression and the digital picture compression, but I don’t understand the advantages of computation compression, since it would seem that the receiver of the data would be interested in exact figures.

I enjoyed reading about Dasher and its capabilities for those with disabilities or needing alternative methods of typing code. The auto-select feature for anticipating the next letter is like the feature on most cell phones. Blackberrys have that “auto-fill” feature, like in one’s browser window. Personally, I don’t care for the feature, as often it auto-fills words I did not intend to type.

The blogger challenge of the Reuter’s photos was great. Without the web and digital access to the photos, it would have been harder to prove. The advent of blogs facilitated collaboration toward the goal of discrediting the photographer and his work. Additionally, Reuters’ would not have had the chance to address the problem if its employees did not have internet access. Photoshop and other programs allow many enhancements but they should not be used to falsify events. The article seemed to dislike the control one has over the content of one’s blog. I believe that if you have a blog, you can make it whatever you want and accept or decline certain comments from readers. Ranking of a blog plays a crucial role in its success. As the article pointed out, the links provided on Johnson’s blog in affect lead the way to the discovery of the falsification of the Reuters photos. I don’t have an issue with Johnson’s blog not providing an arena for debate and deliberation. But I agree with the limitations cast upon the openness of discussion and discourse; in a perfect world, everyone would have a voice and a turn in the spotlight.

Muddiest point:
In what instance would one choose to have data altered through lossy compression? Would one not need to have the exact computation or value?

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